Need a new Job?

You might not expect this post on a philatelic blog, but I don't want to keep it from you! 


The UK Artic Heritage Trust is looking for a new employee for the world's most remote post office! You will be responsible for handling all mail in this outpost. 

In addition to the responsibility of the post, you must also count penguins and receive tourists. You also have to maintain the buildings and grounds along with four other residents of the property. 

Port Lockroy was the first permanent British base to be established on the Antarctic Peninsula, initially used from 1944 to 1962. However, since 2006 it has been used as a post office and museum. 

Whether you will have a lot of time to spend on your collection remains to be seen. It is  only five months during the Arctic summer. 

But of course you can cancel the most recent stamps for the tourists (and yourself I think). 

Apply? Go to their website.


